Work Ethic counts for nothing

Hi Claudeville,

I was raised on work ethic...

From a very young age it's been drilled into me that if you want to be successful in life you have to work hard...

As a small boy growing up for as long as I can remember, I was doing all sorts of odd jobs and extra chores around the house to earn a bit of pocket money...

I earned my first dollar around age 14...

When I was 16, I started my first business washing cars for the people in my neighborhood and mending punctured tires for bicycles.

When I was at university I ran myself into the ground juggling three part time jobs... One in a rum shop clearing out empty bottles, one in a supermarket packing shelves, and one in a retail outlet... While still finding time to fit in my studies and enjoy a social life!

So naturally, when I started this business... I thought that hard work would be the key to my success...

And over the years I've came across hundreds of business owners, entrepreneurs, teachers and others from all walks of life who think the same way...

Like me, working hard is in their blood...

But as I've gotten older, I released one of the best kept business secrets...

And it's a difficult one to digest if you're like me and you've been raised on "work ethic".

The secret is this....

Out-working everyone else on the planet is not the best path to achieve success as a business owner, entrepreneur, manager, teacher or anything for that matter. In fact, figuring out how to work less - if focused on the highest value and highest yield work - is far more useful.

Don't get me wrong Claudeville. I do think a good work ethic is needed in the early stages and you need to have the ability to roll up your sleeves and plough through when the proverbial **** hits the fan.

But working hard is never going to be enough if you want to experience real success and financial freedom in your business...

You need to be working on the right things....

You need to be focusing on the tasks with the highest output...

The tasks that get you the most results. And pass off the not so important tasks to someone else or stop doing them all together. And as Robert Kyosaki (author of Rich Dad…Poor Dad) said, “it’s not working harder, but working smarter”.

It's something that I still find myself coming to terms with and it can be difficult to change a habit of a life time...

But get it right and the rewards will be worth it...

So I ask you Claudeville

1.  What are the highest output activities in your business?
2.  Are you working harder, or SMARTER?

Think on these things…

Until then,

Take care, take action and be focused.

 Claudeville Mc Garrell


Tel:  + (592) 223-0823

Cell:+ (592) 651-9846


Claudeville Mc Garrell
CMASSOCIATES-The Business Success Academy
210 Deobirana Street
Prashad Nagar
Georgetown Demerara